Friday, December 11, 2009

AnnaLisa - 9 months


a 9 month old shot of AnnaLisa as a baby
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Some of my favorites of the twins...



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Seeing double...


Well, it was bound to happen. If you read the last post which had a picture of about a month ago about William having to wear his sister's PJ's because his were all dirty, the same thing happened with poor Rosi. She is wearing her brother's grey PJ's because she went through a lot of clothes in one day. What are these kids eatting???
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Twin advice - Josh


When I called to tell Josh, one of my brothers who is a twin, that I was having twins, he gave me one bit of advice, "Don't dress them the same". I did not think that would be a problem. I guess I was wrong. Sometimes little boys can go through amazing amounts of clean clothes and be left with borrowing PJ's from their sister. Tough luck, big guy! (William is in back, Rosi in front with the darker pink)
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Thursday, December 3, 2009

To dress or not to dress...


Recently a relative of mine was asking people on Facebook whether she should get dressed for the day. There were many responses debating the idea. Here's my response.

OK, maybe it is just me being the mom of 6 kids, with two of them being 3 month old twins - but you all have too much time on your hands to be able to think about whether or not to get dressed. My mantra (about clothes) lately is it less than 24 hours old or have less than three spit-ups that don't cover more than 35% of my body?
Anybody want to hold a baby? How 'bout 2?

PS I choose this picture, because it is one of my favorites. It has nothing to do with getting dressed. Although it does have two cute babies that need holding in it.
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