Now with two months under her belt, she insists on being involved with cutting whenever possible. She loves Ramen noodles for lunch and will grab the scissors and insist on cutting it open (which is fine with me). We keep the office supplies in a kitchen drawer that is above her head, but which if she grabs a stool she can easily get into.
Tonight was when the problem began. I was making pizza and I had bought a "pizza package" from Boboli - not as good as homemade pizza, but these days I am going for least effort with reasonable nutrition (we will probably be in that mode for at least the next year). I grabbed my kitchen scissors to open the packages, and MaggieMae guessed that I needed an assistant. She moved the stool, opened the drawer, and found the scissors. She then scooted her stool over to where I was making the pizza (usually I let the kids help, but I was a little low energy today, so I decided to let them veg watching PBS and I would make dinner). Well she hops up with scissors in hand to cut away. She is distracted by pepperoni and Canadian bacon. She asks for bites. Then comes out the pineapple, she wants more, so I get her a dish and scoop up a bit for her to munch on at the table and put the scissors away. I finish the first pizza, put it in. Start on the second pizza. MaggieMae has finished the pineapple and eventually wonders off (I might get dinner done before Jeff gets home). Suddenly AnnaLisa shouts no! and runs over to me. She shows me the scissors (that I took away and put back in the drawer 5 minutes ago) and tells me that MaggieMae was trying to cut the blanket. I roll my eyes. What am I going to do with this girl?
I put the scissors up on top of the fridge - all 5 pairs. About two minutes later MaggieMae has scooted the stool back under the scissor drawer and has the drawer open. She is looking, her head moving back and forth, and repeating "Hmmm, hmmm, hmmm...". She can't find the scissors and give up.
I am just laughing and realize this girl is going to kill me one way or the other. I don't know if I can keep up with her, so I guess I will just have to let go and laugh at her.
Anybody want a cute redhead?...real cheap - comes with her own scissors!
Welcome to "typical" toddlers! :)
I guess it shows that every child can be a challenge. You know most people think that kids with autism are crazy hard (and I agree) but I think that all kids push parents to the edge.
I had a little scissor-cutter. Her name was Bethany. I think she was supposed to be a red-head but she must have known her future husband wouldn't like red-heads, so she chose to be blonde instead. She had all the characteristics, of a red-head, though, including scissor mania, if that is one of them. I just shake my head thinking about it! Mom
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