Here is a picture of my big boy JJ. This week he gave his first talk in Primary (Sunday School for 3-11 year olds). He gave a talk about the Creation. This is how it went.
JJ climbs up on to the stool so he can reach the microphone at the podium. He checks it to see if it is on, "Uhh Umm...your attention please". And he is ready to start. Daddy is holding up pictures of the creation. JJ has his talk written out, and knows most of the words (he and Daddy worked on that earlier in the day). JJ is more interested in talking into the microphone than reading his talk. So he waits until Dad prompts him on everything. Daddy is dutifully going through the pictures. JJ explains, "God made the Earth, and stars, and he made the water. He also make the lakes, rivers, streams, and waterfalls (waterfalls was a requirement for the talk as far as JJ was concerned). He also made the animals and then he made men and women.
JJ did a great job although he sounded like he was trying to beat-box and made it real difficult to hear a lot of his words. Daddy did a great job helping and being an easel. Where was mom in all of this? I was sitting in the back of the room, next to our Bishop who chuckled good naturedly at a 4 year old being a 4 year old.
I guess before his next talk we are going to need to work on some microphone ettiquette.
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