Thoughts, opinions and a little ranting about the world I live in. These will be in a range from things I struggle with to wonderful insights I have had and will probably involve some observations along the way.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
only half the picture (but the cute half)
Here is a picture of MaggieMae standing infront of the fan that is in our master bedroom. What you have to understand is that it is only half the story. The day was really hot (in Arizona that means over 110 degrees) and although my home is reasonably AC'd, I remember being really hot. Me and my pregnant belly found ourselves infront of this extra fan I kept in my bedroom, with my shirt pulled up with the fan blowing right directly on my belly (think back to high school science and remember that one of the fastest ways to cool something off is to find it's biggest side and subject it to a blowing wind to "lift off" - can't remember the science name for it - the heat. Well, at the time of my pregnancy, my belly was the "biggest, surface area" portion of me. So applying my barely remembered science lessons, I stood infront of that fan.
In comes Maggie, resident 2 year old who doesn't own a "biggest, surface area" on her entire body, let alone her tiny belly, and she pulls her shirt up like mom and stands infront of the fan getting her hair blown around because she is so short.
Just goes to show you, they will mimick, even when they don't understand (or even benefit) from it. We need to be careful what we do around our kids!
Watch out Prada!
Fashion designers beware! JJ is sporting the SSpants. This is a making of his own design where he "recycles" an old navy blue "Tazmanian Devil" (think Bugs Bunny here) sweat shirt into a pair of pants by slipping his legs down the arms and sliding that ever so trim torso in through the bottom of the (sweat shirt) top! He finishes off this contemporary classic by adding a modern leather belt to the ensemble which sets of nicely his multi-color plaid button up shirt.
Very daring JJ, but you can pull this off with all your boyish charm! You can throw all of JJ's shorts and pants away (or onto the floor of his closet, which has the same effect) but this boy will still come out dressed in the morning. No wardrobe malfunction is going to make this boy late for the day! if life were not exciting enough around here...
Well, the twins were two weeks old when Jeff rushed me the ER one day with pains that were worse than labor pains. By the time we arrived, the pain had stopped (it had been about an hour and half at that time) so we went back home. BIG MISTAKE!!! Seven hours later, the pain was back, except it was worse (truly the worst pain I have EVER been in - worse than labor pains w/o epidural). We went back into the ER and I could barely walk or breath. I was in a cold sweat and could not reduce the pain no matter what I did. I literally thought, "Wow, this much pain and I have not passed out yet."
Well, turns out I was having pain from Gallstones. I ended up deciding to have my Gall bladder out and that is what I did this last Friday. It was done as Laproscopy(?) surgery - which is where they cut an incision in your belly and insert a Co2 tube in and inflate your belly to 15 PSI. Then they cut three other 1 inch incisions and lift up your liver, clamp off a few arteries and ducts and then cut out your gall bladder. Glue you back together (skin superglue stuff) and send you home.
I can eat a lot of foods that use to cause me pain. Dairy products aren't a problem anymore. I am still recovering, unfortunately I am back to not being able to lift the twins very well. Hopefully within the next week it will get better.
Well, turns out I was having pain from Gallstones. I ended up deciding to have my Gall bladder out and that is what I did this last Friday. It was done as Laproscopy(?) surgery - which is where they cut an incision in your belly and insert a Co2 tube in and inflate your belly to 15 PSI. Then they cut three other 1 inch incisions and lift up your liver, clamp off a few arteries and ducts and then cut out your gall bladder. Glue you back together (skin superglue stuff) and send you home.
I can eat a lot of foods that use to cause me pain. Dairy products aren't a problem anymore. I am still recovering, unfortunately I am back to not being able to lift the twins very well. Hopefully within the next week it will get better.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Fastest weight loss in my world!
Wahoo! Lost 30 pounds in the last two weeks! "What's my secret?" you ask, - having twins!
I am really surprised at how much weight I have lost, just 4 more pounds to go to my "pre-twin" weight.
Not sure how many inches I've lost, let's see, I was at 49" around my waist, and William was 20" and Rosie was 19" which equal 39", so that means I am 10" around my waist - right?!? - (It's math like that which has put our country where it currently is).
A little humor to prove that I am almost back to my old self. I am feeling good, but trying to take it easy for a few more weeks until I am better healed.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
So, "how do the older kids like the twins?"
I have been asked this a lot lately. "Is everyone getting along ok?"
MaggieMae came in on Saturday morning (all the kids visited for a few minutes Friday after school) for a more personal visit with mom and the twins. MaggieMae marched right past me, and hopping up into the chair, "Grandma, get me William". She only held him for a few minutes, but it was important to her to do it.
The kids are all adjusting well. This morning (our first morning home from the hospital) the kids were "shushing" each other around the breakfast table for fear of waking the twins (Mind you, I have been on bed-rest for about 3 months and never received such quiet in the house!).
If a baby squeaks or cries, there are many feet that come running in our house. Of course the older kids are not big enough to help out with that (all the kids are allowed to hold the babies on the couch with adult supervision or help) but that is about the end of it for actual "hands on".
For those who may have missed it, the twins were born via c-section Friday afternoon. I came home yesterday and all three of us are doing well. RosiLee 6 lbs, 4 oz and 19 1/4 inches long, William 7 lbs, 6 oz., 20 inches long. One of the twins (ironically the larger) was almost kept at the hospital because of weight loss issues, but is doing well. We just keep feeding him, and he is progressing.
Both are too cute! RosiLee represents my "girl mold" well. She looks very much like her two bigger sisters did at that age. She has dark brown hair, strong contrasting features, looks like a minature girl. William looks just like his brothers (evidentally my boy mold). He has big chubby face and looks "all baby". It is curious to look at him, especially compared to RosiLee, and think they were worried about his weight?
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