Tuesday, September 29, 2009

only half the picture (but the cute half)


Here is a picture of MaggieMae standing infront of the fan that is in our master bedroom. What you have to understand is that it is only half the story. The day was really hot (in Arizona that means over 110 degrees) and although my home is reasonably AC'd, I remember being really hot. Me and my pregnant belly found ourselves infront of this extra fan I kept in my bedroom, with my shirt pulled up with the fan blowing right directly on my belly (think back to high school science and remember that one of the fastest ways to cool something off is to find it's biggest side and subject it to a blowing wind to "lift off" - can't remember the science name for it - the heat. Well, at the time of my pregnancy, my belly was the "biggest, surface area" portion of me. So applying my barely remembered science lessons, I stood infront of that fan.

In comes Maggie, resident 2 year old who doesn't own a "biggest, surface area" on her entire body, let alone her tiny belly, and she pulls her shirt up like mom and stands infront of the fan getting her hair blown around because she is so short.

Just goes to show you, they will mimick, even when they don't understand (or even benefit) from it. We need to be careful what we do around our kids!
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