We, JJ(5) MaggieMae(2), RosiLee(4 months) William(4 months)and mommy(none your business) went to the store today and I got lots of comments about our cute family. As we were getting into the car, a lady near us commented. I was putting the second twin into the car when she asked if she could take the cart for me with hers over to the cart collecting spot. I smiled and said thank you (one thing I have been able to do this pregnancy was learn to accept help). JJ said to me, "That woman is a hero." I asked JJ why he said that, he responded, "She chose to serve us". I smiled and silently thanked God that some of what I am trying to teach my children is getting through. I hopped out of the car to go around to my side and mentioned it to the lady. I think we made her day!
Other comments that the kids have said recently:
MagggieMae: Mommy can we go to the airport so we can go on an airplane to Grandma's house?
JJ: (a prayer on the night before Christmas)...help us to make good choices so that we can be on Santa's nice list and not his naught one...
This picture is of JJ and William. William kept spitting up so much that he had to use his sister's sleeper and blanket.
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