Friday, March 5, 2010

how do you measure this?

Our kids love to measure things. The only problem is that they don't feel a need to use any sort of consistent unit of measurement. They will measure how much milk they have in a glass and decide that it is eight. This will be twice the amount that a sibling might have which they labeled as a six.

Then there is when we talk about emotions and JJ is angry 100 times. Or we want it really bad like 1000 times. What is funny is when I hear myself or my husband respond in kind like you need to do your chores it is 100 times important.

1 comment:

sara said...

We also find ourselves using phrases the kids have made up; Noah made up a few words when he was 4 that are still in regular circulation around here. Lately my twins have been using "percent" a lot. As in, "I like burritos 90%, but I like mashed potatoes 100%!" And, "Mom, I love you 100%, but I love Jesus 1,000%." Pretty sweet.

And I love that picture of JJ and the MnM's... so cute!