Saturday, January 22, 2011

2010 Christmas - the Zune story

Here is a picture of Jeff's new electronic gizmo - a Zune. This is part a gift from him and me. He saved up his mad money (the same way we ended up with a Wii - which if I recall correctly was mad money plus cash I gave him for his birthday). Jeff seems to come with a lot of his electronic gizmos this way. Well, shortly after Christmas, he was contacted to let him know that he had won a fancier Zune (read higher gigabot thingies). So then he decide to give me his old one (which was a whole two weeks old now) and has a "bigger and better" option. So was that like me giving my husband a present that I wanted to use? I don't know, all I know now is that I have one more way to spend my time if I so choose.

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