Thursday, August 4, 2011

How many...?

Who can forget this commercial from our childhood days? How many licks does it take to get to the tootsie center? One...two...three...crunch...the world may never know. Very clever advertising. This is somewhat the way I feel about growing out my hair. Two weeks ago I shaved it bald. Now I anxiously await it's growth. My kids will tell you that it is no longer prickly. It is considered by most who rub it as being soft. So two weeks in it is soft although you can still see my scalp through it. And thus we will wait to see how long it will take to grow out.


Danika said...

Just think of how many cute short hairstyles you'll get to try as you grow it out! :)

Jeff said...

I think your hair makes you look like a member of an elite special forces unit. One of those groups that can do almost anything with just the materials on hand.

Hmmm... I guess that makes you a mom! :)