Thursday, February 3, 2011

Work in progress

A friend of mine used this for her Facebook picture. It made me giggle. She is doing an awesome job at losing weight right now, and I expect that is the reason for the sign. I can't help but think that we all are works in progress.

Right now I have a blog entry that is a work in progress. I try to blog two things:
  1. My real life - I try to as much as possible openly share what I feel and think. Most times this is not hard for me as I am a fairly open person. Occasionally I come to a post that I just don't feel it would make those closest to me feel safe to have me share with all at large. At those times I email myself and someday (haha) I will incorporate those with these, print them and have some nice journals to put upon my shelf.
  2. The everyday happenings - these most often are the funny things my kids do, the struggles they have, and the way we share our lives together.
The blog entry that I have in progress is something that has been a struggle for me through out my life and even in my marriage. It is conflict. Some view conflict as something to be avoided, others merely a process in a journey, and yet others "something that should explosively have a life of it's own". Me, I am somewhere in-between all those realizing that it is not really a spectrum. I am finding that most things people fight over aren't important - money, possession of material goods, etc. I think there are things that are worth fighting over - respect, ideas, priorities, and principles. I will be the first to admit that unfortunately the world is not cut and dry into nice categories. When a couple argue over money, often times the money represents priorities, not a tightfistedness on the actual money.

So, I guess I will need to do some more thinking and progressing on my intended subject, but it will be coming, because if I don't share it here, I will have to go on top of a building somewhere and just start shouting from there.

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