Sunday, February 24, 2013

No picture needed

It is the curse of mom bloggers (and maybe bloggers on the whole) to want to take pictures to go along with their stories.  I struggle with this, because I feel like I am sending a mixed message to my kids when I tell them "No don't do that" while I am fighting back a smile and taking a picture.  So as an attempt to catch some funnies that I decided best to not take pictures off...

-Today after church JJ (size 8-10) came down stairs wearing William's (size 3) sweatpants.  I was impressed he was able to fit them on.  In all fairness to JJ, they fit like a pair of biker shorts, although I would have thought the elastic cuffs and waist band a bit to tight for my taste.

- Yesterday I walked though the kitchen to find William standing on the counter with the PBH (Peanut Butter and Honey) cupboard open.  He was asking (I think himself), "Where's the honey?"  When I walked up to him, he casually turned to me and said that (pointing to a mostly empty container of honey) has no honey, where's the honey?  Smiling inspite of myself, I looked around and saw the other honey container (we have two smaller one's we refill from bulk bottles of honey) over by the stove.  I pointed to it (I do not have a voice right now due to sickness) and he giggled and hopped down to get it. 

1 comment:

Adriana Benitez said...

Those moments are tempting to get pictures for the memories. I love reading your stories and miss everyone!