Sunday, April 26, 2009

A boy or girl or both?

Well, on Thursday we got our official mid-way ultrasound. Both babies are healthy and growing. They are both 10 ounces, with one being 8 grams more than the other.

The first baby is a girl. We've named her Rosie (Rosalina). Her name came from the kids wanting a sister Rosie. AnnaLisa favored calling her "Rosa Parks". While I have great respect for Rosa Parks, I don't know that I want to name my kids after anyone in history (family history where all we know is a name is different). We had picked RosaLee following the pattern for girl names in our family (that happened by accident) of two names put together for the first name (AnnnaLisa and MaggieMae). Andrew one day asked me what we would call the girl (remember AnnaLisa and Andrew both told me in January when I found out I was pregnant that not only was I having twins, but they each told me we were going to have a boy and a girl). I told Andrew that we were planning on RosaLee. Andrew thought to himself and then said we should call her RosaLina, you know, like Kristina. So it has stuck. We are still working on a middle name, but for now it is RosaLina Park.

The second baby is a boy. We are going to name him William Christopher Park. William is a fairly common first name is family history in the Park family. Also it is my maiden name as well as Jeff's mom's maiden name. So lots of rich history to blame that name on. Christopher I guess you could say relates to my first name. Jeff picked out William's name.

It is interesting seeing the two and their actions on the ultrasound. I think it is a lot like a parent with a first child. You don't know what is typical and what is the personality of your child. It was around baby #3 that we finally felt like we knew what was "baby" and what was our individual children's personality.

Rosie is very active, not hyper but moves a lot. She likes her hands by her face. She is still laying in the same position (head by my left hip.

William is mellow (compared to Rosie). He too has his head by my left hip, and often has his hands by his face, however he prefers to cover his face with his arms and hands. Jeff joked about how William doesn't like the flash (the technician kept trying to get a face picture of him, but he would not move his arms). Finally the technician just went "through" (with ultrasound you can do this) his arm to get his face.


sara said...

Oh wow Kristina, those pictures are amazing! I wish they'd had 3D ultrasound back when I was pregnant with my twins. Great names! We picked Zoe's early on but hadn't settled on Lucy's until just a few weeks before they were born. I'm glad yours are doing so well; and how great to have a girl and a boy!! Your kids have amazing psychic abilities...

Danika said...

Congrats! I've been waiting for the email (you might want to send an email to everyone with the link...not sure how many of the family read your blog regularly). Glad all is well with the babies. We are having a great time on our trip and will be home tomorrow.

AmyLu said...

Amazing ultra-sound pictures! It looks like the twins are doing great. AnnaLisa and Andrew are still right on the money with their boy and girl prediction. If William is born first, then Danika's formula will switch and he'll be the "every fifth grandchild is a boy" instead of the original "every fifth grandchild is a girl".