Friday, October 30, 2009

OK, why does the food in this house keep disappearing? I thought this would be over when the twins were born. It is not over, it has gotten worse. While we have money enough for food, it seems that my cupboards and fridge are always empty. At first I thought this was do to my lack of shopping, but my cute husband has done an awesome job with the food shopping. So then I thought maybe we have mice...or a small bear or something. Now as I sit here blogging and looked down to take another bite of my now evaporated late afternoon snack - not to be confused with early afternoon snack (1:30 pm) or early tea (3:30 pm)...I realized that I may be that problem. I guess I am still eating like crazy. Thankfully though my kids are doing well growing (they have put on a combined 7 pounds in the first month) and I seem to be maintaining my pre-pregnant with twins weight. But I think I shall enjoy the first day when I can go back to three balanced meals with an occasional snack, instead of being at this point where I have to come up with new names for consistent snack times.

PS For Lord of the Ring fans, "those hobbitses" have nothing on me when it comes to inventing new meal times.

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