Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Quietest day in my life...

Well, Jeff left this morning to head out on a 18 hour drive to the family reunion. I stayed at home with G'ma and the twins. They left almost 9 hours ago. So what does a day like this look like? No kids to get off to school before the bus comes, no piano lessons, no Sesame Street, no son to get ready before the pre-school bus comes, no toddler to put to nap, and the list goes on. What seems to stand out the most for me, no noise. OK, occasionally we have a infant crying, but that usually lasts a minute or two, but there is a distinct absence of the dull roar of kids playing, eating, crying, etc.

It is a very nice treat to have a quiet day at home. I enjoy the serenity of pondering things I want to think of instead of trying to plan out "world peace - even if it is just the Park family's world". Where I do not have to remind the children that we are using inside voices, to use good manners, getting along means sharing too, etc.

I am trying to appreciate what I have for where I am in my life, no matter what that is. For today, this means appreciating the quiet - although I may have to turn on the TV, and possibly the blender, to be able to fall asleep tonight.

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