Sunday, April 18, 2010

A child left to (her)self...

 ...bringeth her mother to shame (Proberbs 29:15).

First I need to explain the picture. This is a loaf of homemade bread that I only sliced one or two slices off the end. I did not slice up the whole loaf and put it in the bread box as is my normal routine. I turned it on the sliced end, because that would keep it from drying out.

This was one of my less than stellar days when I was more on survival mode than mother extrordinaire mode. I admit that MaggieMae was unsupervised for 15 minutes here. If I remember correctly I was sitting infront of the computer with a baby on my lap, falling asleep - that is me falling asleep, not the baby (sometimes I get on the computer to try and keep myself awake). Meanwhile MaggieMae scooted a stool over to the counter, and did this. I asked her why she did it(she took her fingers and somewhat methodically poked wholes through out the loaf, while not knocking it over) and I could not understand her response, but it seemed very logical to her.
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