Friday, March 5, 2010

...some days, it is like this

I often have people comment to me, "How do you do it?". Well, somedays it is like this. I try to never hold both babies at the same time, but sometimes it seems unavoidable. This was one of those days where both kids were needing the attention of mom at the same time. Usually when this happens I will put them on my bed and will just lay down with them (giving my body a rest as well as being equally close to both of them). This day however, Rosi was just needing to be close, and so I had put her in my sling and was running around the house doing things (love that I have both hands free with this sling). And then as I recall, William got hurt - probably a sibling walking by or loving too much - and he needed to be snuggled right then and there. Then AnnaLisa says, "Mom, can I take a picture?" "Surrrre", I say, knowing that one day I will look back on this and laugh instead of thinking, "Oh, my poor back".
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