Monday, June 6, 2011

Sometimes I come across weird things

As a mom I am use to random and unpredictable things around me. Most of these take a lot of my energy as I try to be the stabilizing force in my family's life. I walked in the bathroom and found a half eaten sandwich. Wow, I would not have guessed that one. Now mind you I have have found milk in cupboards, peanut butter in the fridge, and other misplaced items. I have even occasionally been to blame for such misplaced items, but I just had to laugh when I found this abandoned sandwich in the bathroom.

Sometimes my family is so easily distracted that even things that seem as elementary as eating gets interrupted. It is a struggle to help my family to learn the skills of staying on task until task completion. Some members of my family are having great success with this lately. My cute hubby has taken it upon himself to develop this area of his life and is finding great satisfaction in the peace and direction it brings to himself as a result. It is also improving things within our home and we are seeing greater success at projects getting completed in available free time.

I have found for myself I can keep multiple activities going simultaneously and usually (unless severely sleep deprived) am able to keep up on them until completion. I have concerns about how to teach my children how to develop these skills. I know of many adults who struggle with completing things in their lives. I have observed highly talented people who because of their inability to complete tasks, have been passed up by those less talented but capable of task completion. As a mother, I want to help my children to develop talents which can be of great benefit in their lives, however I also realize without the ability to complete activities their talents, no matter how great, will be wasted.

I also think that ability to complete tasks can have a "spill over" effect by building self confidence and increasing success in interpersonal relationships. Hmmm, something more to ponder upon...

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Just for the record, it's not my sandwich!