Sunday, May 31, 2009

Is change in the air?

For a long time I have felt that there will be many changes for us over the next six months.  I had hoped that Jeff would be getting a raise, we'd be getting a bigger house, and bigger car, as well as having twins to add to our quickly growing family.  Well, after our discussion tonight, it looks like the twins may be the only one of those to happen in the next 6 months.  

We have really been fence sitting about moving, possibly looking for a job out of state, or instate, buying a house, etc.  We want to make sure we stay within our income, but that is not necessarily as cut and dry as it sounds.  We save for retirement, emergencies, planned expenses (including baby and doctor bills) - or at least try in all those areas.  Sometimes we do real good, other times we find areas for improvement.  We feel like we need to keep a balance between expenses and available money to meet unexpected needs.  We also have been counciled to not live so tightly that we do not have flexibility to help others.  Which adds a whole level in and of it's self.

So while I will continue to hope for the "Raise/promotion fairy", I think that I have finally settled down on the being content/joyful with what we have.  

As we discussed things tonight, Jeff mentioned something that he learned from one of his bosses at work, "Sometimes we find what we want and then find the justification to back it up after-the-fact."  I think to some extent we were doing that with moving, etc.  Now we are really trying to decide on what will work best for our family in the long run, and then derive from that how we will live our lives and what choices need to be made.  At this point, I see us in our home for another year or two(?) until we have saved up enough (because if the tooth fairy is not real, I doubt the raise/promotion fairy is either).

Now I am not saying that our home is going to be big enough for our family, but I do think that until other factors change in our life, we will just need to wait.  Is Jeff going to continue to apply for jobs out of state?  Yeah, I expect so, and if/when he is offered we will consider what the facts are, instead of what we imagine they could be.

All-in-all, I still feel like we will be seeing some change soon...absolutely no idea what that change will be.


Danika said...

For two weeks in a row at church our lessons/talks have been focused on provident living (conference talk). Seems like it's common theme these days...

You will be blessed for living within your means, even if it's not comfortable or exactly the way you want/hoped it will be.

Cory said...

I think change is in the air - AnnaLisa said so, and I go with her odds! Seriously, I think you guys are totally on the right road and will be blessed for your choices!!
I think sometimes I fall into the world trap of "I deserve" such and such or just my own little brain wanting more convenience or comfort but I trust the prophets and really have felt the urge of living below our means so we can be prepared as a family and also to be able to help others. Anyway...rambling but love ya!!