Thursday, January 27, 2011

Things noticed...

Sometimes we bring our struggles that we had growing up (and still continue to have) into our adult families. One thing that some adults in our home struggle with is noticing something that needs to be done, that is not specifically an assigned chore. Our kids are doing fairly well with chores, but there could be sharp knives laying on the floor and no one would pick them up because it is not their job (I may be slightly exaggerating in this example, but if so, not by much). How do we solve such a delima?

I got an idea one night about recognizing people for doing things they are not assigned. Then we could add up these accounts and have some type of party. So now we have a little chart to make tic marks for each example of "things noticed" and we have our first marshmallow roasting party scheduled when we reach 20 tic marks. We started yesterday and we already have 6 marks. Examples of things remembered are:
  • putting away an unused knife of a sibling
  • pushing chairs in under the table
  • putting away a back pack that was left in the family room
My hope it that eventually (probably after years) we will have trained our children to look around them and see what can be done, instead of waiting for someone else to schedule them to do it.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Christmas gift find

Clarissa and I went to a Jewelry party where they had these cute little purses that you could take one if you wanted to sign up to throw your own home party. We were not quite up to doing that, but we did adore the cute little purses. A few months later I saw this little purse at a "Swap meet" that is about a mile from our house. It is a cute little fun place to browse through. It reminds me a lot of a farms market that was a few miles from where I grew up. They have some good deals, and some junk that is trying to get sold. You just need to be careful and not pay more than you feel it is worth. Sort of reminds me of the street markets in the middle east.
Well, I had hoped that Clarissa would like this, I thought to myself, what is the girlies looking one here? And from the look on her face, I'd say that she does.

Popcorn popping on the Apricot Tree...

I have wanted to buy an air popcorn popper for a while and Clarissa gave us one for Christmas (I heard a birdie told her). I am excited to be able to popcorn fresh and not to have to have the salted/buttered popcorn that comes pre-packaged. Unfortunately I still have 20 packages of the microwave stuff that I feel sort of obligated to use before we start with the new stuff. Now that I am reflecting on it, I think I will go ahead and start using the popper and leave the other for emergency times when the kids want popcorn and I don't feel like dragging out the popper. Then I can have the better popcorn when we have it with our Friday night family movie night and leave the microwave stuff for the kid's snacks.

Scared to say it, but I think sanity has returned

I am starting up two classes through the community college - Child Development and Belly Dancing. Starting up projects around the house, and I feel calm? These last two years have been crazy for me with emergency surgeries, twin babies, Jeff finishing up Grad school and well life. This last month things we have been striving for have been falling into place. Kids are finally getting chores done, things are getting put away, and we have routines! I think part of this has been as a result of my diligent effort to find ways that work for the family as well as making sure I am having balance in my life. Many of you know that I volunteer on a Governing board for the Arizona Infants and Toddlers (which I am now President of), have 6 children + college student, and we recently moved (which means I am also a landlord now). I am finding what works for me and what doesn't.

I need to be learning things in my life. I need to be able to do some things outside of my home without my children (just a day or two a month), and I need to get 8 hours of sleep. What I don't need is TV, hobbies that involve a lot of time or space dedicated to them, or things that don't allow for children. I am also finding that some activities while fun just waste my time. I need to have some result from my activities/hobbies.

What I have noticed is that by having some of my family step up (kids are getting that chores will not go away when ignored, daddy and mommy are working more in unison, and babies are walking and starting to talk. These things all go together to mean less work for mom as well as a cleaner home to enjoy being in (nothing saps my energy more than being exhausted from working to sit down in a dirty room).

My energy levels are returning to what they were pre-baby. My husband has noticed and is taking the "I will quietly enjoy this as long as it lasts, but I hope it lasts forever" stance, more commonly known as the "this is what you use to be like, the girl I married". However it is said, I am enjoying it too!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

I cookie monster, I want some cookies!

Clarissa got this for Jeff for Christmas. She and I were shopping together and when we saw this, we thought of Jeff. You don't really need to know Jeff's long history with Cookie monster and that he use to ride around on his big wheel to neighbors and ask them for cookies to appreciate how good he looks in this shirt. I told Clarissa that if she did not buy this for Jeff, I was going to!

This reminds me, we are out of cookies! I guess I should probably see if we can make some soon.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

2010 Christmas - the Zune story

Here is a picture of Jeff's new electronic gizmo - a Zune. This is part a gift from him and me. He saved up his mad money (the same way we ended up with a Wii - which if I recall correctly was mad money plus cash I gave him for his birthday). Jeff seems to come with a lot of his electronic gizmos this way. Well, shortly after Christmas, he was contacted to let him know that he had won a fancier Zune (read higher gigabot thingies). So then he decide to give me his old one (which was a whole two weeks old now) and has a "bigger and better" option. So was that like me giving my husband a present that I wanted to use? I don't know, all I know now is that I have one more way to spend my time if I so choose.

Friday, January 21, 2011

2010 Christmas - Aunt Kaylynn and her family

Aunt Kaylynn and Uncle Cory came to visit us for the holidays. We had a lovely time, although Kaylynn was sick most of the time. These are a shot of her opening her monkey PJ's we gave her (note that she is already wearing monkey pajama pants. Emily seemed excited about her mom receiving these. Owen and Cory are there too, just harder to see them, well actually it is really easy to see Cory's leg, but not nearly as much fun as his face!

We really enjoyed having them visit and the kids played marvelously. Kaylynn was not the only one sick as I spent a few days going much slower that I had planned due to feeling crummy. We did have lots of fun which included having a fancy prime rib dinner for Christmas eve dinner, which we have never tried before. That too seems like a tradition we should repeat. And while we are mentioning repeatable traditions, I think having Kaylynn and Cory's family down for the holidays would also be lovely and repeatable.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

2010 Christmas morning

Santa did a good job here. You can see some of the more memorable gifts such as Andrew (black and white) and Clarissa's (purple) bean bags, Rosi's Little People princess carriage, the twin's rocking horse, MaggieMae's sit and spin as well as the kitchen set. Jeff's Zune (which is now Mommy's Zune) was in there as well.
The stockings were nestled all neatly on the staircase. We had them hanging from the banister all month (well, probably only for the last week or so - I try!), but felt that with candy and other goodies, we should not hang them back up.
The kid's all lined up by age. Well most of the kids - the twins were sleeping still. Mostly by age Emily decided their family would go in descending order instead of ascending order.
The kids heading down to the living room.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

another new Christmas tradition

Clarissa and the kids have been planning this one for months. Clarissa invited the kids to sleep in her room so they could try and catch Santa Clause when he came to deliver presents. They would often talk about this at night over the dinner table. They would discuss how sneaky they would be. Clarissa made it a real party with Christmas movies on her computer and Christmas presents to open (I hear the pirate hook was the most coveted item).

Most of the kids fell asleep shortly after their usual bedtime. Andrew had a real tough time falling asleep. He usually wedges himself between his bed and the wall. He kept trying to do this but was having difficulty. For those unaccustom to how he sleeps, one might become afraid that he will suffocate himself. Clarissa not yet aware of this quirk, kept telling him to move away from the wall. As a result, Clarissa and Andrew both had a difficult time sleeping that night.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

2010 Making Christmas goodies - girls night

Here is a picture of us over at my sister's house. Clarissa is working on her first batch of fudge. The cousin's, Sariah and Rachel, are joining in for a silly picture. AnnaLisa and MaggieMae came as well. Since Kaylynn was visiting, she was with us as well. We had a yummy dinner of chili and munched on way too many goodies. We made fudge, English toffee, and chocolate covered pretzel sticks. We put sprinkles on the pretzel sticks, the little girls (AnnaLisa, MaggieMae, Jade, and let's be honest Clarissa, Sariah, Rachel, and Kaylynn) really enjoyed sprinkling. I hope I got everyone in there!

This was a tradition that we decided to start this year. Kathy and I have gotten together a few times in the past to do goodies, but we liked the addition of making it a girl's night. I got that idea from Clarissa and all who heard it hardily agreed. So I think with the fun we had, it will be a repeater!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Rosi playing air hockey

Here is a picture of our "game room" which most people would call a formal dinning room, but which I would never use as such because I think it is silly to eat in a room that is carpeted, and like I have the money for some fancy furniture that I won't use that often and inevitably one of my children will carve or dent before too long. So instead we use it as a game room. I picked up this old airhockey table for $50 which is a good deal, although part of the table is warped, the clock does not work any more and the blowers are on their last legs. Regardless, the kids love to play on it. Rosi is standing on a step stool and she actually loves to play (although her skill level is as little as she is). This was a morning that we were all getting read for church. This is one of my favorite dresses for her. It is a soft deep red color that is long with her white tights and white dress shoes. She is definitely going to be into shoes.

One day I was getting ready to head out the door with the twins and a few other kids. Rosi realizing the front door was open grabbed one of her white dress shoes and started running out the front door to the car. Ah, my little Cinderella.

RosiLee in a drawer

I saw Rosi climbing into this drawer and started heading over to get her out when she was already in by the time I got there (although, obviously I stopped to take a few pictures). These are some drawers and cabinets that were installed by the previous owner - I afraid a little to ambitious for me - I am still trying to get the time/energy to put in the baseboards where they were left undone.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The twins rolling around with mommy on the floor

I don't often get pictures of me with the kids. So this is a rare thing to have a picture of mommy playing with the kids. I love how happy they (and mommy) are.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Clarissa's 2010 Christmas ornament

Clarissa picked a wreath made of wax or clay type material. I really thought is was beautiful.

As often happens with Clarissa, Jeff and I found ourselves looking to the future. We did not have a solid thought out plan as far as this tradition goes. Jeff suggested the kids could take their ornaments with them when they start their families so that they have a bit of history and a head start on decorating their first Christmas trees. For me that day is coming to fast (especially with Clarissa who got a head start on that area), and I will probably agree, but for right now planning on holding a piece of them here in our home gives me comfort.

Friday, January 14, 2011

JJ's 2010 Christmas ornament

It might be hard to tell, but JJ is holding a red bead garland to wrap around the tree. Last time he picked a gold bead garland. Daddy is helping JJ get it around the already decorated tree. I really like these beads (I picked a gold bead one the same year JJ did (2008?).

Since this is such a wonderful shot, I will mention Grandma Williams' angel. My mom handmade this and gave it and several others to us many (2002?) years ago.

JJ made the pop-cycle stick star you see in the lower left corner.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Andrew's 2010 ornament

Andrew picked a beautiful Ice Cream sundae in a chrome dish. I am not sure what that has to do with Christmas, but I am very much sure that it is one of Andrew's favorite things to eat.

Andrew much like his genetic forebearers (at least on the Williams side of the family) enjoys an ice cream sundae whenever he gets the chance. Doesn't this look delicous?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

AnnaLisa's 2010 ornament

I always giggle to see the kid's choices for ornaments. AnnaLisa picked a BIG blue glass ornament with blue sparkly circles on it. I am hoping this lasts, but have my doubts about it's longevity in our home.

Every year we take the kids to purchase an ornament to add to our Christmas tree. I have tried to document them as we go (permanent marker on the bottom or back, tape if nothing else is possible). This is one of our Christmas traditions. It has not been as faithful as some of our others, but I think the kids are starting to enjoy it. As for me, I think next year we will make two trips to the store. We managed to break several ornaments while in the store. There was a customer near us who calmly explained she worked there and would clean it up for us. I think we will be going back to that store again next year. I am not sure that is a blessing for them, but we try to support family friendly stores!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My beloved AnnaLisa

I love this picture of AnnaLisa. It is showing how much she is growing up and just the happy girl she is. She is starting to get caught up in her looks and it is fun although often frustrating to me for her to fuss over her hair and looks. I am sure this is just the beginning. Hard to believe she is no longer my baby of 9 years ago.

MaggieMae knows her math skills!

We were driving home from the DMV today and Maggie pipes up from the back and asks, "Mom, does three plus three equal 6?". My eyebrows raised, "Yep it sure does. Good job Maggie". She then lifts her hands so that I can see them in the rear view mirror, she is holding three fingers up on each hand, "This is six too!". I smile and agree, then I unconsously shake my head in disbelief. I then hear her say, "It is too six mom, don't shake your head." Embarrassed I tell her, that she is right and I tried to explain why adults sometimes shake our heads when we are amazed by something.
I expect I should not be too surprised, a month ago JJ and I were making cinnamon rolls and I had a total of eight cups of flour to put in. I had measured, "one, another one..." and JJ responded back, six more to go!". JJ is just starting his second half of kindergarten. MaggieMae is almost 3 1/2 years old. Just crazy how smart my kids are.

This picture is of MaggieMae, putting her this year's ornament on the tree (It is the crystal looking snowflake).