Saturday, January 31, 2009

What is in a name....? the sequel

Today I was helping JJ learn to make his bed. We were working together up there on the top bunk, when we started talking about his dog's name. I asked him what it was, just trying to see if he would be consistent to several weeks ago when he told me "Ambulance". Yep, he still calls his dog Ambulance, but then he said something that I thought was so sweet. He told me that it was named Ambulance "because he helps people". Oh-how cute!

Well, JJ had not named his lion or tiger and I suppose I should have just let it go, but then I asked him, "should we call this one Firetruck and that one Police Car? Yep! He thought it was great. So now all "the boys" have their own names representative of the Emergency System vehicles.

I am going to post a picture of these guys, but JJ is having a tough time sleeping and one of them is in the wash right now.

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