Monday, November 30, 2009

JJ's Birthday


We decided to have a birthday party at the park for JJ. With all the sickness going around, I did not want to drag a whole bunch of people into my house, and this way we could leave a friend at home with the twins. JJ had a great time. We got to meet lots of his friends from school. His siblings enjoyed themselves as well. I think that JJ got overwhelmed with his presents and really fizzled out in the end.

For his birthday JJ wanted a "tall birthday cake with a rainbow". I interpreted that to be a double layer yellow cake with rainbow sprinkles and white frosting with a rainbow colored on top of it. JJ thought it was great. He carried it from the car and held it sideways and it slid against the container. I was able to re-center it without great difficulties. I was glad if one of the kids had to mess it up, it was JJ - and fixable!
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