Monday, November 9, 2009

Pattern of Prayer


Some experiences with prayer in our home recently:
(JJ) God please help my bean plant to start growing again and make the cold (weather) go away (so it can grow more).
(Andrew) Please bless President Lamey (Laney)...
(JJ) Thanks for everything nice, Amen (I suggest that the kids thank God for two things everyday, JJ felt this met the criteria).

Recently in church someone suggested that we needed to have a "Pattern for Prayer" so that we would make sure we pray every morning (as well as other times). He then asked, "Do you put your shoes on everyday before you leave the house? Do you comb your hair everyday?". He then asked us to compare how we rate the importance of praying to combing our hair. Wow! I had never thought of it like that before (although true confession: there may have been a day or two this week that my hair did not get combed!). He suggested putting prayer into your morning pattern/routine for getting ready for the day.

If you really think about it, making prayer a lower priority than putting shoes on or combing hair, makes me realize that I am not valuing my time to converse with my God. This is a way that we can directly communicate with him and that when we are attentive, he can communicate with us. I know I am still struggling with exhaustion and feeling overwhelmed, but out of the 5 work days last week, the two that I made sure I prayed and read scriptures, I made it to the end of the day with energy and having accomplished most of what I had planned for that day.
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1 comment:

sara said...

That part of Elder Sitate's talk stood out to me, too. Love it.