Monday, August 31, 2009

A picture of (twin) pregnancy

Here are a few (and only) pictures recording my twin pregnancy. The ultrasound is how Jeff and I found out we were having twins. We were totally shell shocked (not that Andrew(5) and AnnaLisa(7) didn't already try to warn us). We sat in the lobby of the OB's office with wide eyes and just kept repeating, our car isn't going to be big enough, our house is not going to be big enough...

Another one is a recent side shot of me. It is hard to tell where my hips and belly use to be, but basically follow the front of my pants straight up and subtract a few inches.

Going clockwise, the next shot is a current picture of me and the kids. (Andrew-6, me, MaggieMae-2, JJ-4, AnnaLisa-7)

Proof that my belly really is as big as Andrew is tall - 49 inches. At least 5 inches bigger than I was with MaggieMae. Strangely enough I am only about 6 pounds heavier for that added circumference.

Lastly, the outpouring of gifts we have received for the twins (which keep coming). This is back of my mini-van on my trip home from a fabulous babyshower that has provided many clothes and very many diapers, and other needed items! We are so loved and well taken care of by our family and friends!!


sara said...

Now how about those BABIES!! I sure hope it's soon... hang in there Kristina!

Cory said...

CONGRATS!!! Rosie and William and all make it ok! I am so happy for you and Jeff! What an adventure you two are having as parents! Thanks for sharing the pregnancy pictures - I never take many either! But you are so cute and the kids - wow! They are getting so grown up!!! I hope we can come for a visit in a few weeks. Love you!!!