Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Time clock just keeps ticking...

I admit it, I totally stole this photo off a website! It was just too cute. So no, they are not mine.

Hopefully I have 3-4 more weeks until "my matched set" come. Went to the doctor today, all of us are healthy. The Ultrasound tech. is impressed with my ability to read the ultra sounds and extract knowledge from it (for example according to the Ultrasound, the babies are 5 lbs, 11 oz and 6 lbs and 1 oz) and I explained all the markers they are looking for: head circumferance, heart beat, amount of amniotic fluid, femur length, position (head down or not) etc.

So both babies are still breach and have their heads nestled in together (this is the way they have always appeared in all of their ultrasounds). Jeff thinks they are plotting something. I think, "I have four other kids, I don't need two that plot together. And what could you be plotting that takes 5 months?"

If the babies stay breach, then I will have a c-section on 9/9/9. Is that great? I will be 38 weeks along. I am sort of hoping for this option in some ways (because even if you deliver the first baby normally, you can end up having a c-section for the second and why go through both?). It will also make things much more convenient (which is the opposite of children by definition) as mom is planning on coming there abouts.

So I remain on modified bed rest. I have survived 5 weeks of bed rest(and have read a ton of books) and hope that after two more I can have a slightly productive last two weeks before the kiddos come. My sanity is so-so. The kids are dealing well with it, MaggieMae just comes and snuggles in next to me (usually after she climbs over me) and we read books or sing songs. She loves mom singing songs to her (a sure sign that she is tone deaf).

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