Sunday, June 6, 2010

Gila Valley Temple Visit/ Jeff's birthday adventure

Here is the front of the Gila Valley Temple. You can see an angel on the top blowing a trump, announcing to the world the gospel that is to coming forth. This is symbolic of the Church of Jesus Christ being restored to the earth (through the prophet Joseph Smith).

The temple is a place where sacred ordinances such as marriage for time and all eternity are done. Other ordinances such as baptism for the dead as spoken of in the New Testament are also performed in proxy for those who have passed on.

This is where they will place the symbolic "corner stone". For those who don't know about the importance of a corner stone, it was usually the first stone laid, and then they would build the building around that stone. It was very important for the corner stone to be square as the slightest imperfections would be multiplied through out the building process. In the scriptures there are multiple references to Jesus Christ as our corner stone upon which we can build a sure foundation.
Since buildings are not build with stones but rather cement, etc than this is done merely to be symbolic.

This is a picture of Jeff with AnnaLisa (8), Andrew (7), William (8 mo), JJ (5) and MaggieMae (2). I am taking the picture while holding RosiLee (8 mo).

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