Thursday, March 26, 2009

banging rocks

I have heard about washing your clothes on rocks...but with rocks? Today I did a ton of laundry and I threw one load into our dryer (which is probably on it's last leg) and I kept hearing this banging. MaggieMae was sleeping, so I got up to find out what it was. I opened the door and there were two rocks sitting in the lint catch. Then when I lifted up the clothes I found 6 more rocks. If I add this to the first two plus the one I found in the washer when I pulled the clothes out, that makes 9. I just had to laugh. I knew it was JJ. He is always stuffing rocks into his pockets, bringing them home to me, showing me them. No mind you this is Arizona the world capitol of rock front yards. We have a rock front yard. But JJ insists on bringing these rocks home anyway (as a bonus he brings a ton of sand in his shoes as well. One day I found him in the backyard trying to empty the sand into an empty sandbox we have back there. It was a wonderful plan until day three when we had torrential rain and it washed all the sand out of the box.) I started up the dryer and there were still some banging noise. Jeff was home today, so I sent him in with instructions to find the last few. He found two more and there was still one banging around that he guessed was actually still in one of JJ's pockets as he could not find it. When i took the clothes out later, I did find the 12th rock in the lint catcher.

Well, I guess I should not complain. At least it was not lizards like I found in the washer - but that shall be a story for another sleepless night.

1 comment:

sara said...

12 - wow that's pretty impressive! It seems like every one of my kids always finding "cool" rocks to bring inside and show me. I don't quite understand it myself but I do find them in laundry all the time too!