Saturday, March 7, 2009

I have three babies in my tummy...

This week JJ started telling people he had three babies in his tummy, 2 boys and one girl. He says he is just like mommy who has two babies in her tummy, a boy and a girl (we don't know gender yet). Together, his three babies and my two babies we will have four babies (yes the math is off) which make two twins.

This just makes me giggle - in part because it is so cute, and in part it is JJ trying to be like his mommy. My kids did not imitate as toddlers (MaggieMae is, I had to buy her a broom because every time I try to sweep the floor, she would want to do it too).

I did help him fix his math, so now we have "5" babies on record. I wonder what he is going to do when it comes time to deliver these babies.

Another cute story somewhat connected to this. JJ was snuggled up on my lap today and MaggieMae came to join. She crawled up on the only spot left and JJ started telling her she needed to be careful not to poke the babies pointing to my tummy. This was totally out of the blue, because I have not said anything to JJ about being careful with my tummy. -Maybe he just understand as he is in the "mothering way" himself.

1 comment:

Cory said...

That is so hilarious-I hope JJ does well in labor!! Kids are so cute! Are you going to find out gender? When is your due date again?