Sunday, March 1, 2009

Total Autism Moment

Ok, sometimes people have a difficult time understanding what Autism is and how it affects different people. There are a lot of overlaps (things that people think are totally normal - like a child thinking that they are the center of the world) and sometimes it is difficult to see. This happened this last week, and I thought to myself about my child, "You are so autistic". I am in the first trimester of pregnancy and like the rest of my pregnancies, I experience a bit of morning sickness. Well, one morning was rough, and I barely made it to the kitchen sink, I was actually in the middle of clearing a few dishes from the table. While I am throwing up in the sink, I can see my two youngest children behind me. MaggieMae (18 mo) gets a concerned look on her face and come over near me and tries to console me by patting my leg. JJ (4 yr, has autism) isn't phased at all and asks if I could put a movie in for him - mind you I am still puking while he is asking this. The thought clearly comes to my mind, he isn't oblivious, just has autism. Between sessions I tell him as soon as I am done, I will set it up. He quickly agrees, I finish up.

Now JJ doesn't think he is the center of the world, he just doesn't realize the rest of us have needs too. Once he found out he was being listened to and was getting what he wanted, he was happy. Did not enter his conscious to think that maybe something is wrong and he should at least show some compassion. MaggieMae, typical developing by all accounts, and 2 1/2 years younger than JJ sensed that mom is not well and wanted to make sure all was right.


Danika said...

I'm sure some of it is definitely autism-related, but some of it is probably male-related (I guess they're somewhat connected...)! I remember similar incidents with Tyler & Brandon when I was pregnant with Natalie. Totally oblivious to my needs & sickness!

P.S. - I really like the grateful for two things idea.

Cory said...

I had total deaf moment the other day with my husband...Cory said to me 'Owen really loves the parts in movies where the girl is singing' and I said 'most babies do' and then Cory said Emily didn't...I found it funny in a I don't want to be negative so I will laugh funny.