Sunday, March 1, 2009

Three for three

In Primary (children's Sunday school class) today JJ's teacher was a little late, so I stayed with the kids in her class until she got there. Before Primary started JJ was sitting between two girls who are twin sisters. These girls know that I am pregnant with twins (and let me know every time I see them, "My mommy said you have two babies in your tummy"). JJ mentioned to me that he was sitting with his "friends". I asked him what their names were. He did not know (he does not really get interested enough in people to find out what their names are, he just usually calls them his friends). I have been trying to get JJ to reach out and ask people their names, so I demonstrated it with the girl on this left, Zoe. Then he introduced himself to her sister, on his right, Lucy. She signed her name to him and he got real excited because he loves to sign. And we had a nice chat with them signing their names to each other.

Later today, JJ has finally converted to the idea that mommy is having twins (AnnaLisa and Andrew both, individually, told me I was having twins before we found out). Actually he has known the twin part, but still would think it would result in only one baby. Today he went home teaching with Jeff to some friends of ours. They were talking about the twins and they asked JJ what to name the babies (JJ kept telling them that I had TWO babies in my tummy - which of course they already know). Well, today JJ decided that the two babies would be a boy and a girl (don't know if that was an original idea in his mind or what), but that they would also have the names of Zoe and Danny (Zoe and Danny are two of his friends in his Primary class).

1 comment:

Cory said...

Zoe and Danny are cute names- maybe ZoeLynn :)