Friday, August 26, 2011

My kind, um I mean Maggie's kind of birthday party!

I asked Maggie what she wanted to do for her birthday this year. We have never had a friend party for her and she asked if she could invite some friends and dip chocolate. Maybe I should not have asked her so soon after we did this as a friend "playdate" for my older kids during the summer time. So we invited a few cousins and friends (Maggie is no respecter of persons or age, all in this picture were invited with the exception of me). We were just getting done dipping gummy bears and were starting in on the pretzels. All enjoyed the activity. We ended up not doing any other activities as the kids were happy doing some playing in the other room and my game activity did not work out as expected, so we cancelled it. All in all, it was a lot of fun and very low stress (again, my type of party). Happy birthday big girl!

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