Sunday, July 19, 2009

The funny things that kids say...


AnnaLisa answers the phone, listens for a while, determines it is a solicitation, and says, "I am not interesting" and hangs up. (As a side note, I am laying in bed overhearing this comment and try to explain the difference between interesting and interested. Trust me big girl, you are very interesting!

Andrew this morning came and got in bed with me and asked me, "Mom, what is a yolk?". Not knowing if he meant yolk or yoke, I thoughtlessly asked, "Can you use it in a sentence?" His quick response was, "Sure mom, what is a yolk?". Totally my fault for asking the question.

JJ has mastered the "Days of the Week". When ever we are talking about doing something in the future, for example, "On Friday, we will...." JJ turns to me and says, "What today(day) is today?" Then he will break out in the "Days of the Week" song (learned in pre-school) sung to the tune of "Oh, My Darling". It just always makes me giggle.

MaggieMae makes us laugh a lot with the different things she says too. Mostly they are difficult things to translate to text, but here is my attempt. She has learned that while we always hear her, sometimes we do not respond. When this happens she starts fluctuating her voice up and down (much like a yodeler does) saying the word, "Dadadadadadadadad". Usually it is him that she is trying to get to hear her. Other things she does is when she says something that is slightly garbled and you repeat what you think she said back to her, she responds as if you are asking the question. For example, she says something, you repeat back, "Are you asking for a cookie?" and she will look at you and say "Suurre" (like well, if you are going to twist my arm, I will finally give in).
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