Saturday, July 18, 2009

our "new" van

Well, we have finally found a van that we think will work well for our family. It has all the "features" that we were looking for - good gas mileage, in great condition, in our desired price range, sliding door ...and a few that I started to doubt we would find like it is not "white" (a good 90% or more of the vans we have seen are white).

The short coming is that it is out of state. So we are sending Grandma Williams to go get it for us (with my health Jeff did not feel comfortable leaving me) and Grandma volunteered. She is getting to see two sets of Grandchildren out of the deal.

It is not finalized yet, we have deposited the money in my sister's account who is going to be actually handling the purchase, but it looks like by Monday or Tuesday she should have the van and then Grandma will pick it up and deliver it next week!

It is crazy how we found it, but it was much like the selling of the PT Cruiser. It just seemed to be there waiting for us.

We told the kids, obviously JJ is more of a "wait until I see it before I believe it sort of guy (see previous post)". They are excited and we spent dinner trying to come up with a good name for it. Right now "Larry-boy" is in the lead, but we have also had "turtle", "Lance the turtle", Andrew (which is Andrew's favorite. Earlier I teased him that since it is green -Andrew's favorite color- that we would call it Andrew and would need to think of a new name for our son.), the Jolly Green Giant, Fabric, and others.
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sara said...

Congrats! I bet it feels good having this "detail" taken care of now :)

Danika said...

I didn't know they came in anything but white?!?