Wednesday, July 15, 2009

So, how's the pregnancy going?

I get this a lot. I am in the final quarter of this pregnancy - 10 weeks to go. My belly is as big as it has ever been. Today I started scraping it against things as I walk by (usually this happens right after a growth spurt). I measured my tummy to see, but it is the same size. So I go with the other fall back - sleep deprivation. You may notice that a lot of my emails and blog posts are late at night. I just am having a hard time going to sleep. Part of this is probably due to a messed up sleep schedule which is part of my self-ordered partial bed rest. I have been for about a month now, taking morning and afternoon breaks laying down in bed or the recliner. About a week ago I started having babysitters come over to help out (the older three kids, as a result of having Autism and qualifying for Medicaid have "respite" hours which help significantly with babysitting fees - provided I use a licensed adult).

This has helped with the contractions (I have been having these for about three weeks, but they have not been painful or progressive). This morning (4:00)I was woken up by painful and consistent contractions, so off to the hospital we went. Spent several hours there, had to get two injections, but the contractions stopped. So have appointment tomorrow to see what the doctor has to say. But my decision is that I will continue (unless they suggest something more restrictive) to do my modified, self-prescribed bed rest. So you may see me here and there, but probably not for long. I am going to have to notch-up my restrictions as far as what I can and can not do.

I have to say while this has felt like the longest pregnancy, it has not been, in general, as difficult as I feared. It is definitely been harder in many ways than others that I have had, but easier than I expected (although I reserve the right to change that opinion depending on the next two months).

My mother had twins. She said that while it was "not her 'worst' pregnancy, she would not wish it on her enemies". I thought that was weird for her to say, but this last week I feel like I really am starting to agree.

1 comment:

Danika said...

So if your mom would "not wish her 'not-worst' pregnancy on her worst enemy" I wonder what she had to say about her WORST pregnancy???