Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Selling of Jeff's PT Cruiser

I can't find where we stuck those pictures, so maybe I can add it later. We finally decided to sell Jeff's car and buy a van. We checked out Autotrader and such first to see if what we wanted (a 12 passenger van, preferably low miles, few years old) was available. We found a couple, so we thought, sell the Cruiser and buy a van. We thought selling it would be tough - it was gone within three days(another blessing). So buying a van should not be so hard, right? Well, we are on week two of being a one car family. It is a bit difficult, but seems to be working out. Jeff has found a carpool ride for now to work (which is a huge blessing). We have even debated about do we "need" two cars or could we do just as well with one (provided Jeff was able to continue to carpool whether with his current ride, or someone else). It certainly is nice to have that cash in savings right now (we are trying to get enough for a down payment on a second house since selling our current house does not see to be an option). We have debated about selling the minivan after getting a full sized van. I am sure it would not be our permanent solution, but it would make getting a down payment a lot faster for us. I guess at that point we would just have to decide if we wanted two cars or a bigger house.

I guess the insight I am going for, is do we really need two cars? We literally have everything we need (with the exception of Jeff's work, public library and the kid's pediatrician within 4 miles of our house). I am starting to learn how to plan so that I can shop on weekends or evenings which means either Jeff is with me shopping or I am without children shopping (both positive options). It is odd to me after having my own car for 16 years to have to "share" and plan ahead as far as using the car. But I think that, like with most sacrifices, we may gain more than we lose.

Well, I guess we will just have to see how it all works out. Right now plans are to buy a van and not worry about anything else until Dec or Jan because we will be having the twins soon and really will have our hands quite full.

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